Gravity 是一款全新的几何无衬线字体,旨在探索排版的奥秘。它的设计注重平衡感和大面积的字母轮廓,使其在视觉上更加引人注目。这款字体以“重力”为灵感,赋予了它独特的功能性和美学特征。目前,Gravity 已被“巴勒莫美术学院”选为官方字体。这也是我首次创作的字体,希望你会喜欢!如果想尝试,可以免费下载。
Gravity is a new geometric sans serif typeface that explores the intricacies of typography. Its design focuses on balance and large letter counters, making it visually striking. Inspired by “gravity,” this font offers unique functionality and aesthetics. It has been chosen as the official typeface by the “Accademia di Belle Arti Palermo.” This is also my first creation, and I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to download it for free if you’d like to try.