Certainly! Here’s the rewritten content tailored for professionals in the film and television industry:—### AE/PR模板-20组大气文字标题宣传片头 AEJuice Epic Trailers这是AEJuice推出的Epic Trailers风格的AE(Adobe After Effects)和PR(Adobe Premiere Pro)模板,专为制作震撼的宣传片头而设计。**版本要求:** 需要AE CC 2015或更高版本,以及Premiere CC 2021或更高版本。**分辨率:** 支持4K高清,即3840×2160像素。**插件需求:** 无需额外安装第三方插件。**文件格式:** 提供aep和mogrt两种格式。**文件大小:** 总大小为1.88GB。**教程和音乐:** 不包含教程和背景音乐。—This version aims to provide clear and concise information for beginners in the film and TV industry, emphasizing the specifications and requirements of the AEJuice Epic Trailers templates for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro.