Nathaniel Drew & Johnny Harris: A Visual Narrative Journey in Travel Filmmaking Tutorial – English and Chinese Subtitles

Nathaniel Drew & Johnny Harris: A Visual Narrative Journey in Travel Filmmaking Tutorial – English and Chinese Subtitles
English + Chinese subtitles | 1080P
In this course, as photographers, we aim to deconstruct and share all our knowledge about the art of visual storytelling. Join travel filmmakers Johnny Harris and Nathaniel Drew as they guide beginners and experts alike on how to tell captivating travel stories through video. Storytelling is not just about editing fun vacation footage; it’s about finding meaning in your experiences and sharing them in a way that resonates with others. It’s about understanding your own life and who you are. This course covers every step of the process, from generating creative ideas to shooting, post-production, and utilizing music to enhance your edits. Join Johnny and Nathaniel as they impart key insights into the art of storytelling based on their rich experiences and unique styles.
The Three Levels of Visual Narratives
Different ways of thinking about stories
Reflecting on themes for story selection
Capturing your experiences on location
Building stories on paper or through editing
Post-production techniques for better story editing
How music can help you tell better stories

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